Band Saw 101:  The Band Saw Box
Monday, September 23
Tuesday, September 24

6:00 PM - 9:00 PM

Les H.

The Woodworkers Club

Classroom 2

The band saw is one of the most useful tools in the woodshop and has become the shop standard for making curved and other irregular cuts. Learn the ins and outs of this most useful tool by way of a simple project. From a solid block of cherry, we’ll create a shaped box with two drawers. First we’ll cut the outside shape of the box. Then the back will be sliced off as a thin strip. Next, the drawer shapes will be cut from the block. Each of those drawers, in turn, will have both the front and back sliced off. Following that, drawer cavities will be cut. Finally all of the parts will be glued back together and sanded. As a final step, if time permits, a finish coat of oil can be applied.

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