Box Making 301
Friday, April 25: 6 - 9 PM
Sat & Sun, April 26 & 27: 10 AM - 5 PM
Fri. May 2 : 6 - 9 PM
Sat & Sun, May 3 & 4: 10 AM - 5 PM
6:00 PM - 9:00 PM

David R.

The Woodworkers Club

Classroom 2

Loved Box Making 101 & 201? Get ready to take your boxes to a whole new level!
In this class, students will create a beautiful box with curved sides using the bandsaw and router table, pin-hinge top with inlay strips including a sectioned jewelry tray.
You’ll learn to make cove cuts using the table saw to add curvature to the bottom and sides of the box. Finally, you’ll learn to add a suede lining insert to the inside bottom.
This is an approximate 30 hour class building on the skills that you have learned in Box 101 and 201. The class will begin on a Wednesday, June 5 from 6 – 9 PM and then continue on the following Friday and Saturday, June 7 & 8 from 10 am – 5 pm each day. Then this will repeat again the following Wednesday, June 12 ( 6 – 9 pm) and during the day ( 10 am – 5 pm) on Friday and Saturday , June 14 & 15 for a total of 6 class sessions.
Box Making 101 & 201

[About David:
After studying engineering and enjoying 45 years owning an operable wall business, David decided to pursue his passion for exotic woods. He spent two years as an apprentice for an acclaimed box maker, Donald Beaudreau, and completed a fine furniture immersion course at the prestigious Vermont Woodworking School. He is a member of the South Florida Woodworkers Guild and The Woodworkers Club in Rockville, Maryland.

Payment Options

Pay Online: Fill out the form on this page and click "Register." You will be redirected to the PayPal website where you can log on to your account OR pay as a guest.
Note: If you are not automatically redirected to PayPal after clicking "Register", you may need to scroll down and click the green button to take you PayPal. You will not be registered for the class until you have paid.

Pay Offline: If you do not wish to pay online, you can pay in-store with cash, credit or check OR call us with your credit card. If you would like to pay in-store, you do not need to fill out the form below; we will collect your information when you pay.

Once payment is received, we will send you an email confirming your registration.



Registration Information

Booking Summary

x Standard Ticket
Total Price