Turning Wood & Resin Platters
March 25 & April 1

6:00 PM - 9:00 PM

Matt R.

The Woodworkers Club

Classroom 3

Learn how to turn a beautiful platter made of local hardwood and resin with our turning instructor, Matt Radtke. This class will be two consecutive Friday evenings. There are no pre-requisites for this class and is open to anyone interested in learning to use a lathe.

Payment Options

Pay Online: Fill out the form on this page and click "Register." You will be redirected to the PayPal website where you can log on to your account OR pay as a guest.
Note: If you are not automatically redirected to PayPal after clicking "Register", you may need to scroll down and click the green button to take you PayPal. You will not be registered for the class until you have paid.

Pay Offline: If you do not wish to pay online, you can pay in-store with cash, credit or check OR call us with your credit card. If you would like to pay in-store, you do not need to fill out the form below; we will collect your information when you pay.

Once payment is received, we will send you an email confirming your registration.

This class is full. Please check the schedule for other available dates.

Wood & Resin Platters